Caleb Rebbeck

Operations Manager

Professional highlights

About Me



Takes Action

We embrace opportunities and challenges with a sense of urgency and enthusiasm

Instills Trust

We are genuine, committed, and act with integrity in everything we do.


Drives Results

We set challenging goals, hold ourselves accountable, and measure results.

Effective Decision-Making

We make timely and informed decisions that align with business goals.



We put our customers at the center of all that we do.

Builds Partnerships

We foster effective communication, teamwork and inclusion.


Personal Development

We actively engage in learning and professional growth.

Continuous Improvement

We pursue innovative solutions and improve our business processes.

CORE values

With passion and focus, every member of the Patterson team strives to put their clients first. By keeping our doctors' successes at the forefront, we're able to continually advance their businesses and careers forward. Let our team tell you about it.

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Patterson edu spotlight

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