Digital dental solutions are emerging, allowing dentists to create highly esthetic custom treatment plans. Empower your practice by offering your patients 3M Clarity Aligners Flex available on the 3M Oral Care Portal. Now you have a new way to deliver exceptional patient experiences with impressive results, combining the efficiency of 3M Aligners Flex material and the power of 3M Oral Care portal to grow your practice and engage your patients. In this presentation you will learn how to utilize the 3M Oral Care Portal and achieve more predictable treatment goals through its features, tools and the simplicity of The Tx Design and Revision workflow. We will also review the benefits of using one digital platform for multiple digital solutions.
•Design for comfort
•Multi-layer copolymer
•Thin, flexible design
•Better stain resistance than Invisalign SmartTrack aligner material
•Excellent sustained force persistent over a two-week period
•Resists scratching and staining
•Practice marketing
Experience the difference by featuring cloud based software, accepting any high quality STL file, easy 5 New Order steps and superior customer service.
Senior Lead Clinical Specialist
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